As many of you know this Saturday is International Yarnbombing Day. We would like to document this year’s event with a world wide map of Yarnbombing projects happening in conjunction with International Yarnbombing Day, June 8. The interactive map will not just document the locations of projects, but will include descriptions and photos. It will be a place to reference and browse this worldwide phenonemon. To have your project included- just email the name of the project, the location, a description and photo(s) either as an attachment or an URL to
It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this post through social media to help us get the word out! Thank you!!
Postscript- June 20: Our Map of International Yarn Bombing Day 2013 is live!! We have mapped all the places people sent us information about. Readers can now add additional yarn bombings to the map on their own by clicking the “Add a Bombing” button above the map. It is also possible to add additional photos and descriptions. I hope you like it- it was fun to see what everyone was up to around the world!